
 ____                        _____       _                
|  _ \                      / ____|     | |               
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| |_) |  __/ (_| | | | | | |____) | (_) | |\ V /  __/ |   
|____/ \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_____/ \___/|_| \_/ \___|_|   

This Python file is part of BeamSolver project

The code is written by A. V. G. Campos

A web documentation, can be found here:

The code is open source and intended for educational and scientific
purposes only. If you use BeamSolver in your research, the developers
would be grateful if you could cite this.

The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is
free from errors. Furthermore, the authors shall not be liable in any
event caused by the use of the program.


To install myfempy manually in your directory, following the steps

  1. Clone/ Download the main code [latest version] from github/beamsolver/main

  2. Unzip the pack in your preferred location

  3. In the beamsolver-main folder, open a terminal and enter with the command:

>> pip install -r requirements.txt

>> pip install (Win)

>> python install (Linux)

Welcome to BeamSolver's documentation!

BeamSolver is a Python library for cooks and food lovers that creates recipes mixing random ingredients. It pulls data from the Open Food Facts database and offers a simple and intuitive API.

Check out the usage section for further information, including how to install the project.


This project is under active development.